vrijdag 21 januari 2011

Geomajas 1.8.0 backend & GWT face in staging

As of now, a new version of the Geomajas backend and the Geomajas GWT face have been placed in staging, awaiting community approval to be released. The vote has been started on the mailing list, and will end thursday 27 januari 12:00 CET. 
If by that time the release has not been rejected, it will become the official 1.8.0 release of the Geomajas GWT face. At that time, we will immediately update the online showcase and the maven archetype for building new Geomajas projects. A preview of the new showcase can already be found here.
To see the full list of solved issues, visit the Geomajas issue tracker. In order to test this release for yourself, the staging repository can be found at the following location:
Next to the jar files, this maven repository will also contain sources, javadoc and documentation (HTML + PDF).
Have fun testing!

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